Jayant Baranwal, Editor-in-Chief, SP’s AirBuz had a Quick 4 with John Slattery, President & CEO, Embraer Commercial Aviation during Dubai Air Show
Jayant Baranwal (JB): What number of ERJs are operating at this point in the Middle East and what number of E195-E2 you forecast to operate in Middle East in the next 10 years?
John Slattery (Slattery): There are 25 aircraft in the region. In terms of the opportunities, the discussions we are having and the forecast we have done to sell is 370 aircraft. We have got a family from E175-E2 through to the E195-E2 at the moment. I am not breaking that down. A lot of my discussions with airlines in the last day or so have been around either the E190-E2 or the E195-E2. Both aircraft have got the same engine so it could even be working together with these aircraft. I think all the aircraft are getting an appetite.
JB: The very first customer we believe will be Azul for E195-E2. What number of aircraft they are likely to acquire?
Slattery: Yes, that’s correct. They have already announced a firm order for 30 aircraft. What their larger plan is, I will direct that question to John Rodgerson, the CEO of Azul. Azul at one point was operating over 80 E-Jets with the acquisition of TRIP Linhas Aéreas of Brazil so they have everything from E175 to E190 and of course E195. They have now pivoted around the E195, and are one of the largest operators of E195 in the world. They will be our launch operator of E195-E2 in the first half of 2019.
JB: China Express operates a few Embraer, they also seem to be going for A320 aircraft. How do you perceive this development?
Slattery: I won’t talk about specific airline, I don’t think that’s fair to talk about airline campaigns that are going on. But I would say in China, we have had active commercial relations for over 15 years. We have a significant presence in Beijing and in terms of market share under 130 seats of in-service jet fleets, we have over 80 per cent market share. It’s a market we are very much committed to. We have a number of flag carriers and marquee type customers there already and certainly, as we project forward, both Mark and I showed you the global view over the next 20 years and China features heavily in that.
JB: Any of the environment and Green Sky initiatives on the part of Embraer?
Slattery: Multiple, certainly when you think about the E2, the reduction in fuel and the reduction in noise emissions, feed deeply into that. In addition to that, Embraer has been working on an ecoDemonstrator using our partnership with the Boeing Company, so Embraer is very much committed to become as environmentally friendly as possible. When you get to see our mock-ups of E2, our colleagues will tell you about the specific environmental action we have taken on the material that you will see on the inside of the mock up. So, it’s in our DNA.
We are completely aligned with global demands and E2 can be a perfect complement to Airlines’ requirements in that perspective.