Category Changing Solution

Issue: 2 / 2010

Jeppesen has introduced the FliteDeck Pro electronic flight bag (EFB) application. It is a category-changing solution developed through operational testing and design coordination with pilots and flight operations staff in the commercial and military aviation industries.

Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro innovations were achieved through a partnership with pilots and aviation industry experts who outlined preferred EFB functionality. The result of this crew-centered approach to research, design and development, FliteDeck Pro offers numerous operational advantages over previous EFB applications, including an easy-to-adopt, simple navigation system. It has an open framework allowing simple integration of software and data across multiple aircraft types and hardware platforms. It is easily managed in in-flight chart revisions and incorporates data from wireless or portable memory stick technology, simplifies electronic flight bag configuration management and data distribution and its enhanced touch-screen highlighting allows crew members to share highlighted charts to reduce workload and improve communication. It also has the ability to easily record air traffic control instruction and integrate performance tools from Boeing, Airbus and other airframe manufacturers.

Featuring an innovative, optimised design, the FliteDeck Pro application is designed for commercial aviation use, while FliteDeck military is offered to the global military aviation market. The Jeppesen moving map applications that are integrated with FliteDeck include airport moving map (AMM), data distribution management (DDM) and many others. These solutions enhance flight deck capability and continue the pioneering legacy of the first paperless cockpit operations achieved in partnership with Jeppesen.